About the Lab

state key laboratory of polymer physics and chemistry was formerly the joint open laboratory of polymer physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (composed of institute of chemistry and changchun institute of applied chemistry).The laboratory has passed the national evaluation twice (in 1995 and 1999) and has been rated as an excellent laboratory. In 2000, it integrated the research directions and teams of polymer chemistry of the two institutes, and established the state key laboratory with the approval of the Ministry of Science and Technology.In 2004, the key laboratory of chemical science was evaluated by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the national natural science foundation of China.

laboratory conducts basic science and applied basic research on polymer chemistry and physics in line with the international frontier of science and national economic needs.Research fields include polymer synthesis and characterization, polymer multi-scale phase states, patternization and microscopic processing, polymer structure, dynamics and dynamics, rheological properties and processing techniques, biocompatibility and environmentally friendly polymer systems, polymer condensed matter theory, calculation and molecular simulation.At the same time, high performance polymer materials, intelligent polymer materials, biomedical polymer materials, environmentally friendly polymer materials and other research.

The old scientist represented by Mr. Qian renyuan has made outstanding contributions to the construction and development of the laboratory.At present, the laboratory is composed of a group of outstanding young and middle-aged academic leaders, including 10 researchers and 18 associate researchers.In recent decades, 6 outstanding young talents from abroad have been introduced through the "hundred talents program" of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 5 scholars have been awarded the "national outstanding youth fund", and the team composed of 6 researchers including huang yong has been awarded the title of "innovation team of natural science fund".The laboratory undertakes a number of national major and key research projects, including "973 program" and "863 program" of the Ministry of Science and Technology, as well as major, key and general research projects of the national natural science foundation of China.